The Dickies
The Dickies were amongst the first punk rock bands to emerge from Los Angeles, and the first California punk band to be signed to a major record label and appear on network television. The Dickies' style was campy and humorous with obvious influences from the Ramones. They were extremely popular in the UK and had a top 10 hit with "Banana Splits (Tra La La Song)" in 1979; oddly enough, many of their lyrics were about aspects of Southern California life not easily decipherable to those unfamiliar with the region
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The Dickies
The Dickies were amongst the first punk rock bands to emerge from Los Angeles, and the first California punk band to be signed to a major record label and appear on network television. The Dickies' style was campy and humorous with obvious influences from the Ramones. They were extremely popular in the UK and had a top 10 hit with "Banana Splits (Tra La La Song)" in 1979; oddly enough, many of their lyrics were about aspects of Southern California life not easily decipherable to those unfamiliar with the region
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WEBPUNKS: Soundtracking everyone's part to play in making a better web by using script blockers and spreading awareness about data privacy, encouraging sovereignty over our own data and web experience! It was my #Fedivision2024 entry and ranked shared 13th place out of 72 entries! -- 🔊 Stream on other sites: 👕 Webpunks Merch: 🎥 Webpunks Cover Art Timelapse: -- Join the Webellion! Webpunks was inspired by my own experience and others' discussions on the Fediverse about what Cory Doctorow calls the 'enshittification' of the modern web. -- It celebrates the use of what I call 'webpunk' technologies, such as ad-blockers, scripts, and other tools created to bypass article paywalls, subscription pop-ups, and overall create a better experience on the web free from data scraping, trackers, and corporate surveillance. I tried to reference as much of these "annoyances" as I could and jam them into a funky electronic track with a rebellious "punk" edge to it. Though not mentioned in the track, it also celebrates free and open-source software (FOSS) and decentralised platforms such as the Fediverse! -- I hope it resonates with your own experiences on this increasingly enshittified web. Here's to a better web with sovereignty over our own data and web experience! -- As for its creation, it began on April 20, 2024 to submit for the Fedivision music competition for 2024, and was made to be deliberately shorter than 4 minutes as per the competition's rules. I was reluctant to make this track, given some pretty bad life events, but I pushed on anyway and completed it, as I think will really resonate with discussions I've been reading about the decaying state of the Internet. was used to make text-to-speech voices in this track, with words, timing and digital voice effects all by me. -- Hadn't I completed this in time for the competition, I would've submitted an edited version of a track I already had. I also had in mind a #RedInstead, autism-activism-themed entry, which I might submit for #Fedivision2025. -- I coined the term "Webpunk" along with "Scriptpunk" as alternative words for "Browserpunk" which describes the same idea Webpunks does in a Mastodon post in 2023, but unfortunately it is now lost. The new oldest toot where I first use it is here: -- The cover artwork was also very tricky to make, taking almost 12 hours to do. I've been working on adding shadows around each character to add depth to them. Fortunately, I've designed a lot of what I needed for Webpunks' cover artwork through assets made for Dead Internet, Cyber Threat Resistance League, and numerous other artworks. -- Let me know what you think on the Fediverse at https://MASTODON.MOULE.WORLD/@MOULE (or copy and paste @[email protected] into your own instance's search bar), or visit https://MOULE.WORLD for all MOULE links!more
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CTRL+ALT+DELGADO: Dramatic and noisy drum and bass music soundtracking the Cyber Threat Resistance League finding Delgado at the heart of Big Crypto's blockchain prison The Labyrinth, and his chaotic and unpredictable escape from there, fighting bugs and running for freedom! -- 🔊 Stream this on other sites: 👕 CTRL+ALT+DELGADO Merch: 🎥 CTRL+ALT+DELGADO Cover Art Timelapse: 🦨 Read Melody's posts about CTRL+ALT+DELGADO here: -- I'm excited to share CTRL+ALT+DELGADO: dramatic and noisy electronic music soundtracking the Cyber Threat Resistance League finding Delgado at the heart of Big Crypto's blockchain prison The Labyrinth, and his chaotic and unpredictable escape from there, fighting bugs and running for freedom! -- This track started off from scratch and was very tricky to make without direction. I started by reversing the ending of my track Reality Collapse (, lowered its pitch, added reverb, and made it loop. Then I added what sounded to me like creepy numbers station bleep bloops by typing "DELGADO" in Logic Pro's Musical Typing keyboard, editing the output. -- Next up I added glass smashing effects and creepy monster noises, and after much self-deliberation quickly abandoned the "audio-drama-only" vibe I was going for in favour of drum and bass music with rapid-fire snares and beats. Some extratone blast beats also feature, but they were heavily reverted and covered with last-minute beats I added. -- It was a pain in the ass to get this track's volume, EQing, and mastering correct, as I was working with broken headphones and recorded the different parts at different volumes. -- As for inspiration, someone posted this humorous video ( on the Fediverse about Mark Zuckerberg escaping containment, which had the track "Second Warning" from the Lobotomy Corporation OST ( playing in it. The theme of that video coupled with the short snippet of music in it inspired the rapid-fire snares and beats of CTRL+ALT+DELGADO, though I listened to the full version of Second Warning afterwards and it sounded like that version also soundtracks Delgado's escape from The Labyrinth much better than CTRL+ALT+DELGADO itself. -- Let me know what you think on the Fediverse at MASTODON.MOULE.WORLD/@MOULE (or copy and paste @[email protected] into your own instance's search bar), or visit MOULE.WORLD for all MOULE links! more
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KAIZOPOCALYPSE - OpDaMyZr the speedrunner fox faces the Kaizopocalypse - an onslaught of extremely hard platformer game levels requiring extreme precision and timing to dodge obstacles! One of the many tracks in my upcoming GLHF album. -- 🔊 Stream this on other sites: 🦊 Stream the GLHF album on other sites: 👕 Kaizopocalypse Merch: 🎥 Kaizopocalypse Cover Art Timelapse: -- Kaizopocalypse began production on February 2, 2023 and was finished on December 20, 2023. It's inspired by kaizo games - a subgenre of games, usually platformer, that are extremely difficult and require perfect precision and even use glitches to dodge past an overkill amount of obstacles! More information about kaizo game design: -- My biggest inspirations for this track were Kaizo Mario levels, especially tool-assisted speed runs such as Item Abuse 3 by PangaeaPanga ( and the stunning speedrunning tactics for Super Mario 64 as shown by pannenkoek2012 ( and Ukikipedia ( All of these have had huge influences on OpDaMyZr! Plus, there's just something so satisfying about watching a character dodge so many obstacles yet not lose a life. -- As for this track's musical inspiration, it's my own style of "power electro" drum and bass music combined with elements of glitch hop and dubstep. It was inspired by Pegboard Nerds, Dream of Omnimaga, and Skrillex! -- As for my mastering, I think it continues to improve. I deliberately put off exporting this track as a WAV and MP3 file for a night so I could make some minor tweaks the next morning which I think really helped. It was challenging to make (much like a kaizo video game level!), but so rewarding to see the final result! -- Let me know what you think on the Fediverse at MASTODON.MOULE.WORLD/@MOULE (or copy and paste @[email protected] into your instance's search bar), or visit MOULE.WORLD for all MOULE links!more
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