Silverstein is a 5-piece post-hardcore band from Burlington, Ontario, Canada; formed in 2000. The band name was taken from the famous children's author Shel Silverstein. After several lineup changes, the band acquired Billy Hamilton, a local fan who learned of the band's need for a bassist on the Internet message board "The 905 Board" (an Ontario area outreach board which used to be for local musicians). In Christmas of 2001, he joined the band after Shane Told helped him learn the music for the songs.
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Silverstein is a 5-piece post-hardcore band from Burlington, Ontario, Canada; formed in 2000. The band name was taken from the famous children's author Shel Silverstein. After several lineup changes, the band acquired Billy Hamilton, a local fan who learned of the band's need for a bassist on the Internet message board "The 905 Board" (an Ontario area outreach board which used to be for local musicians). In Christmas of 2001, he joined the band after Shane Told helped him learn the music for the songs.
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My first track off my new album "Spawn of Satan" (In reference to my term for spiders.) it's about having the agony of having a crush on someone you don't want to love. The song is one my personal favorites I've done so far so hope you enjoy!more
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A Place to Call Home (Stripped Down Version)
Originally, this was a Metalcore song that was upbeat and heavy, but after releasing a Stripped Down Version of my song “Love’s Not Fair” (which was already mostly acoustic guitar), I started a new Stream Segment on my YouTube channel called “Metal Goes Acoustic”, and I came up with acoustic arrangements for many of my other “heavy” songs. This is a song about recognizing that you have the potential to aspire for so much more out of life; believing you were meant for something more, but being too afraid to take action and pursue the dream your heart is calling you to. God has a plan and a purpose for your life; a place to call “home”.more
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2 Days Away, Pt. 2
This is a song I wrote about my experience of autistic burnout (although anyone who's been through burnout can probably relate too) – when it gets me I feel a kind of out-of-body experience within my mind, like I'm losing my grip on who I am as a person, all emotions become detached, life seems hopeless. But there is some hope too, because I've learned that the things that seem lost will come back eventually. It might not be straight away, but they're never gone entirely. Sometimes you've just got to remind yourself that to get through the hardest times. (this song is part of a double single with interconnected lyrics, so follow the spotify link if you'd like to hear the full project) more
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