Dick Dale
Dick Dale (born Richard Anthony Monsour on 4 May 1937 in Boston, Massachusetts; died 16 March 2019) was an American rock guitarist, known as The King of the Surf Guitar. Dale is revered as one of the pioneers of surf rock and one of the most influential guitarists of the early 1960s. His technique influenced future guitarists such as Jimi Hendrix and Eddie Van Halen. He experimented with reverberation and made use of custom-made Fender amplifiers. Among Dale's most well-known songs are "Misirlou", "Surf Beat", and "Let's Go Trippin'".
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Dick Dale
Dick Dale (born Richard Anthony Monsour on 4 May 1937 in Boston, Massachusetts; died 16 March 2019) was an American rock guitarist, known as The King of the Surf Guitar. Dale is revered as one of the pioneers of surf rock and one of the most influential guitarists of the early 1960s. His technique influenced future guitarists such as Jimi Hendrix and Eddie Van Halen. He experimented with reverberation and made use of custom-made Fender amplifiers. Among Dale's most well-known songs are "Misirlou", "Surf Beat", and "Let's Go Trippin'".
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Freedom To The Kingdom
This is a throwback of how I used to write. It's been 2 years since I've produced something in this style which was pick up the good o' bass with distortion. Definitely needed some raw and gritty kinda vibes which I haven't felt in a while. Lately I've been writing all my music through software which is great but it's cool to remember to pull back a bit so to speak and write and track a riff numerous times until I get it right Pretty heavy towards the middle, then weirdy at the end but ties back in to the main chorus. I forgot what It's like to add Sci Fi sounds and atmosphere to give the listener a picture so to speak. I used to do that ALOT in my old catalog This one was fun to makemore
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Isolation feat. Guillen
Isolation is a certain emotion that I battled with in my younger self of "being alone", now that I'm older, I really don't feel that way anymore. If something doesn't go my way then I leave or 'Isolate'. If I don't fit in or "belong" then I Isolate. I've just learned to accept some things along the way and its either address it right then and there and or act accordingly, adapt and face a new approach. Over time you can always see a different insight as to before. Telling my younger self to just get on with it, IT'LL PASSmore
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Bazzar Nights
Surf rock song with middle eastern influencesmore
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