City and Colour
City and Colour is the recording alias for Canadian singer-songwriter Dallas Green, who is also the guitarist and vocalist of the St. Catharines, Ontario-based post-hardcore band Alexisonfire. He plays melodic acoustic/folk music, and is often accompanied by a rotating number of Canadian indie rock musicians, such as Daniel Romano and Spencer Burton of Attack in Black. The name City and Colour comes from his own name: Dallas, a city, and Green, a colour.
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City and Colour
City and Colour is the recording alias for Canadian singer-songwriter Dallas Green, who is also the guitarist and vocalist of the St. Catharines, Ontario-based post-hardcore band Alexisonfire. He plays melodic acoustic/folk music, and is often accompanied by a rotating number of Canadian indie rock musicians, such as Daniel Romano and Spencer Burton of Attack in Black. The name City and Colour comes from his own name: Dallas, a city, and Green, a colour.
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A Place to Call Home (Stripped Down Version)
Originally, this was a Metalcore song that was upbeat and heavy, but after releasing a Stripped Down Version of my song “Love’s Not Fair” (which was already mostly acoustic guitar), I started a new Stream Segment on my YouTube channel called “Metal Goes Acoustic”, and I came up with acoustic arrangements for many of my other “heavy” songs. This is a song about recognizing that you have the potential to aspire for so much more out of life; believing you were meant for something more, but being too afraid to take action and pursue the dream your heart is calling you to. God has a plan and a purpose for your life; a place to call “home”.more
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Brothers to the End
I always thought my friends and I would be together forever; I couldn't imagine life without them! I thought we'd somehow move into our own houses and be next door neighbors, and we'd still see each other regularly at church, or getting together to play video games, or going out to see a movie. We'd raise our families, and our kids would become friends too! But, it seems everyone has their own unique path in life, and those paths don't always go the same direction. As I got older, my friends seemed to move away one by one, whether for career endeavors, family reasons, or just because they had the opportunity to do so. And here I was, seemingly stuck in the same place. While there are certainly times I feel quite lonely, and miss the close friendships I had, there's been a lot of blessings in my life over the past several years. I've had a lot of opportunity to invest in myself, overcoming personal challenges, honing my craft, and becoming more and more prepared to pursue my dreams. I've also come to realize that while I might not have my childhood friends with me anymore, there are still many people in my life who love and support me. When I originally wrote this song, I had just recently discovered the band Between the Buried and Me, so this was just me trying to recreate their sound and style to better understand how to write music like that. When it came time to writing the lyrics, it was a bit challenging because the music starts off so triumphant, but later takes a dark turn and has something of a "tragic" ending. What could I write about that starts "happy" and ends "sad"? I thought about my friends moving away, and it seemed to be an appropriate topic for the tone of the music, expressing how we seemed inseparable in the beginning, but gradually divided over time. We're still friends; we still love each other, we just don't see each other much these days. It's kinda sad, but at least we have some joyful memories to look back on. more
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Not Worth It
My first single, with many more to come! So excited to share this song, and I hope others enjoy it. This song started off with a lick on the Wurlitzer, and evolved into this whole production that it is now. The song is about a time when I was carrying many heavy things from others' lives (I work in health care for my day job) and realizing how much it was impacting those I love the most. It is about coming to terms with some of the unhealthier aspects of my daily routine, being willing to talk about it, and coming out stronger through hard but important conversations. Thank you for taking the time to listen and hope you enjoy!more
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